Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Step 2

Step 2 on our road to financial freedom is to pay off our credit card and put 1 months income away in savings. That's a goal that may take us longer than I'd like, but as I've said before, God is bigger than our goals and He can work miracles where we least expect them.

We met with Tom and Danielle last night and I was encouraged. As I mentioned we have a ridiculious amount of credit card debt so I knew it is going to take a while to pay it off. But thankfully, Tom set us up with a 2 month goal. Our goal - to make a payment of $360.00 a month for October and November. Any extra money over that can go to a little bill or savings. He wants us to write down the exact amount that we're starting with and after 2 months look at the balance. Then we get to celebrate again!!!

I can't even begin to tell you what a blessing that was. Tom wants us to set short term and long term goals. I was looking at the credit card situation from a long term perspective. It won't be easy and we'll probably get discouraged. I was definitely relieved to see what he wanted from us in the next two months. I don't feel like we're setting ourselves up for failure this way.

I am so thankful that God placed us in Tom and Danielle's class. I know we are on the right path - God's path - and as long as we keep Him in the center, He will bless us. I am so excited about the coming months. It definitely helps to have an accountability partner to keep you in check. We've always talked about getting out of debt but we've never developed a strategy, so we've continued to fall deeper and deeper into debt. Now God has provided a way out and I am stoked!!!

Just a personal goal here - I'd like to be 50 - 75% out of debt by the time Jesse is ready to start preschool (most likely around 2010 or 2011 - it just depends if we put him in the 2 year old class or wait for the 3 year old class) Like I've metioned before - humanly speaking - we're looking at a 5 year plan but I know that God is capable of super human things and I am excited to see where he takes us!!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Jeremy and I went out yesterday to celebrate completing the first step on our road map. We took the motorcycle out to Athens and ate at Red Lobster!!! It was so good. Riding on a motorcyle is very freeing and it helps you to see things differntly.

So I had my Ipod and I was chillin', listening to music on the ride up and I began to see things clearly. I realized that for the first time in my life I was exactly where God wanted me to be in every area of my life and that is an awesomely freeing feeling. I felt like God was right beside me reminding me of all He's done for us and all He has planned.

Larry said something this morning - If we choose to live recklessly, God is not mandated to protect us. But thankfully He does. Larry was talking about the Temptation of Jesus. (Matt. 4:1-11) The statement was made after he talked about the temptaion to have things. So many times we give into this temptation and we don't even realize it's a temptation. Then we end up here - financially stressed and we want God to bail us out.

I am so thankful for a God who loves me despite of my short comings. One of the songs I was listening to talked about God's mercy. It says -

All who are thirsty, All who are weak
Just come to the fountain, dip your heart in the stream of life
Let the pain and the sorrow, be washed away
In the waves of His mercy, as the deep cries out to deep, we sing
Come Lord Jesus Come.

Thank You God for Your waves of mercy. I am so thankful that Your mercy doesn't trickle down to us, but it crashes over us like waves on the sand. Thank You Father for loving us so much!! Thank you for providing for our every need and never turning Your back on us!!! Continue to guide us and give us wisdom in this most crucial aspect of our lives. Come, Lord Jesus; emerse Yourself in our finances, reveal Your plans for us. Give us strength for the task ahead. Thank You Father!!!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

First Discouragement, and then God is truly amazing!!!

Well it happened. The first step on our Journey is to save $1000.00 for emergencies. We already had most of that in savings so I knew going in to this that we'd pass this step quickly. I was more worried about step 2 - pay off credit cards and save 1 months living expenses. We have a ridiculious amount of credit card debt and I know this step will be the longest. Once the credit cards are paid off, then the rest of the debt will decrease rapidly.

I was looking over the statements and discovered that Jeremy's interest rate was 20.99%. His card is designed to help you pay off the card so the minimum payment is usually $270.00. That's great except you add in the interest and bam!!! A whopping $95.00 a month goes to the balance!! Instant discouragment.

I asked Tom if we should look at getting a credit card to consolidate both our cards, preferably at a much lower interest rate. He said sure and I began the process. First, I contacted my credit card for a credit line increase, and was denied. So I went online with Wachovia (our bank) and applied on line. They don't do instant approvals so I'd have to wait 7-10 business days to find out the decision. Honestly, I was pretty sure that if they gave us the card we'd get a credit line of $500.00 -$1000.00 and that wouldn't even begin to help.

While all this was going on in my head, Jeremy had to travel to Dothan, Alabama to be with his mom while his dad was in the hospital. This means that he couldn't work his second job and therefore there would be no extra money to help pay the bills. More Discouragment.

Beacuse I am impatient, I tried to talk myself into calling Wachovia to see if a decision had been made. But I decided that the answer would come soon enoungh and I would just wait. On Wednesday September 10, 2008 I recieved the approval letter. We had infact been approved but I didn't see where the credit line information was. I scanned the page several times and didn't see it. I flipped the page over and there it was. Proof that God always provides, proof that He knows exactly what we need and when we need it most. The credit line was about $200.00 more than the balances of both of credit cards combined with a balance transfer offer of 0.00% interest for a year!!!! I cried. God is truly amazing and I am so glad I was patient and waited for the letter. God revealed Himself in an awesome way. It was like He was standing there telling me that His plan for us is to be financially free and this was how we were going to start this process. I can honestly compare the feeling I had that day with the feeing I had after accepting Chirst as my savior. I felt like a huge burden had been lifted. It just reminded me that God hears us when we call on Him. He knows our needs before we even call His name.

I said in the first post that I could see the finish line but that vision got lost (a little) with the credit card situation. The finish line became blurry and I wanted to quit. I thought, "what's the point, we're going to spend the next 10 years paying off our credit cards. Why bother?". But God has bigger plans for us and if we allow Him to lead we will see clearly.

Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you", declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

1 Chronicles 4:10 - "Jabez criedout to the God of Israel, saying, "Oh that You would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain." And God granted his requst.

Thank you Father for always providing for Your children. Thank you for blessing us even when we don't deserve it. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!

Financial Freedom

So, Jeremy and I have begun a journey to financial freedom, and I am so totally excited. I am going to use this blog as a way of keeping track of our progress, a diary if you will. As a place to write my thoughts and concerns as we take this incredible journey.

First off, I have to give God the credit for helping us find a wonderful Sunday School class. If it weren't for our teachers we never would have begun this journey. Second, I have to thank Tom and Danielle for being willing to meet with us and encourage us along the way.

Second, I want to clarify why we are emmbarking on this Journey. I decided to sit down and look at our financial situation. I've heard people say that putting you finances out on paper will scare you to death. Well that was certainly true. According to my calculations we only had $442.00 left after paying all our bills - and that was for the month. Break that down weekly and we had about $100.00 a week left over. That didn't include gas or groceries. But one thing I did see is that God's hand is at work because we never go without food or gas and all the bills are paid, even our tithe. So, Jeremy and I decided that we'd make an appointment to meet with our teachers and set up a plan to get out of debt.

Our first meeting was August 23rd and it went well. We laid everything out on the table and again it wasn't pretty but we're not in that bad of a spot. Plus, we are blessed that Jeremy is a Firefighter and is able to work a second job. Tom told us that most people in our situation (or worse) work one job and they don't have the time for a second. Tom gave us a "road map" (litterally) to guide us along. The first step is to save $1000.00 for emergencies. Not so bad, and once we complete a step we are to celebrate. We actually need to save $1040.00 so we have $40.00 to celebrate with.

I am so excited!! We always talk about getting out of debt and we never devise a plan and we;ve never had someone to encourage us. I can send the end and the freedom but I know it will take a while and I will have to have patience. That's where this blog comes in handy. I'll post updates and praises to help remind us where we've been and where we are. I know there will be discouraging times and that's when we need the prayers and support of our family and friends.

I pray each night that God will have complete control of our finances. That He will give us wisodm on how to spend our money and help us make wise choices. I know what our budget looks like and I can tell you right now (humanly) we're looking at a 5 year plan. But thankfully we serve a God who is not human and I am praying His plan is less than 5 years. I am praying that His plan is so crazy supernatural that when we tell our story there is no way we can take any credit for it.

WOW!!! Our God is AWESOME, isn't he? I am super excited. We covet your prayers over the next few weeks, months and years. I look at our road map and think how awesome it would be to be debt free in a year or two and how that can only happen by the grace of God!!!