Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Step 2

Step 2 on our road to financial freedom is to pay off our credit card and put 1 months income away in savings. That's a goal that may take us longer than I'd like, but as I've said before, God is bigger than our goals and He can work miracles where we least expect them.

We met with Tom and Danielle last night and I was encouraged. As I mentioned we have a ridiculious amount of credit card debt so I knew it is going to take a while to pay it off. But thankfully, Tom set us up with a 2 month goal. Our goal - to make a payment of $360.00 a month for October and November. Any extra money over that can go to a little bill or savings. He wants us to write down the exact amount that we're starting with and after 2 months look at the balance. Then we get to celebrate again!!!

I can't even begin to tell you what a blessing that was. Tom wants us to set short term and long term goals. I was looking at the credit card situation from a long term perspective. It won't be easy and we'll probably get discouraged. I was definitely relieved to see what he wanted from us in the next two months. I don't feel like we're setting ourselves up for failure this way.

I am so thankful that God placed us in Tom and Danielle's class. I know we are on the right path - God's path - and as long as we keep Him in the center, He will bless us. I am so excited about the coming months. It definitely helps to have an accountability partner to keep you in check. We've always talked about getting out of debt but we've never developed a strategy, so we've continued to fall deeper and deeper into debt. Now God has provided a way out and I am stoked!!!

Just a personal goal here - I'd like to be 50 - 75% out of debt by the time Jesse is ready to start preschool (most likely around 2010 or 2011 - it just depends if we put him in the 2 year old class or wait for the 3 year old class) Like I've metioned before - humanly speaking - we're looking at a 5 year plan but I know that God is capable of super human things and I am excited to see where he takes us!!!